Thursday, June 4, 2009



Rob said...

I must say, congrats and wow! I was betting on a boy too. But, I know that you guys will be great and I know that Jonah and Dacia are super excited! I am also so glad that the baby was found alive and healthy, that is the best news. I love seeing those ultrasound pictures, and the one where the arm is up by the head is so cute. But I seem to wonder, is that face, skull view laughing at you because she is a she? Was the baby wiggly or did it behave? We are excited for you guys! _Diedre

Jon said...

Hey!!! It's about freakin' time! Congratulations, guys!

Heidi Mae said...

Yeah!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! I told Jonathan, 'ok, now we know it's possible.' :)