Monday, September 3, 2018

Aug 26-Sept 2

Always going. So, I will try to remember the important stuff.
Monday: School
Tuesday: School, soccer practice
Wednesday: Rolled my ankle before school!  You do not need to see the picture.  Suffice it to say, I immediately being icing it and being gentle, Friends of Scouting was that night and I had to be able to walk!  By 6pm my ankle seemed fine,  a small bump but I was able to run around just fine.  Yeah! Also on Wednesday, Peter is moving on up in scouts, whether he enjoys it all or not, he is getting there.  Caleb also received 2 more merit badges and his Silver Palm!
Thursday: Finished a terrific table runner after many hours of sewing. Phew! 2 soccer practices
Friday: School, Caleb came home so excited from work.  He was "promoted" from a sub at Heartland to a more permanent position!  He was very excited.  Plus - mowing lawns and some homework
Saturday: Soccer Saturday.  3 games for the boys- a win, a tie and a loss. Got our last snowie of the year and it was tasty! Then watched more soccer that night by Real.
Sunday: Taught Haley's primary class.  Family Home Evening for Haley's baptism countdown - 6 weeks to go and we talked about repentance.  She loved the activity of trying to clean the egg off (dirty egg representing our sins or mistakes making our spirit unclean, when we repent we are washing those sins away but we cannot do it all without Jesus Christ, then the clean egg represents us clean and prefect - ready for Heaven).

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