We made it! We are still alive! It was our first trip to the grocery store with 3 boys and only 1 mommy, and we survived. I find it quite amazing myself. :) Of course I was reduced to getting one of those extremely large grocery carts. You know the ones I am talking about, there are two places for kids to sit in front, then there is the place to put the car seat and then finally there is the space for all of the groceries to go. Really they should put a "WIDE LOAD" sign on the front of the cart and the back of the mom because that is what you are. I was worried several times that I would not be able to squeeze through a space in my adventure to the store. But the point of the story is, we did it! Caleb and Peter were so well behaved, Will was THANKFULLY asleep through it all (even with a couple of rough bumps and brothers poking him every now and then) and we all climbed into the truck with no crying or tantrums. It was probably just luck on my part to have such a good experience the first time around, I do not think I will try more than one store in one outing for quite awhile. :) I think that would be pushing it.
Caleb is a very good big brother, to Will and Peter. Peter and he still get in fights, but he loves Will so much. He jumps at the chance to hold him and does not want to give him up. Peter loves Will too, just in a more rough way. Peter is just so excited about Will that he gets too touchy and likes to squeeze a lot. :) Peter also wants to hold Will but there have only been a few times when William will sit peacefully in Peter's lap, usually that is when he is asleep. They are good little boys, I am glad they have each other. Now I am off to bed to lay down and have Will wake me up in half an hour. Love you all!
I am amazed by your lovely family...
wish you all the best..
they are cute boys...
Great pictures!
Congrats on the shopping. It's scary doing everything for the first few times now that there's three!!
Welcome Willy! Can't wait to meet him at Christmas!
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