My little man turns one! I think we did a good job of making it fun for him. To make it short we got balloons (score a point), went to the pet store to look at the puppies and fish (half a point for the effort), and then went to the Planetarium (score 3 points for the best activity of the day). He loved the Planetarium for all the things to see, the space to walk and explore and the rocks to climb on and around. He had fun and so did the other two boys.

I'm sure you will hear more about Will's birthday but in a nut shell he has already sampled from some yummy stuff. This was his cheesecake from tonight. Did not have a problem eating that piece of sugar-loaded goodness.

And this was his birthday cake at my dad's house last Sunday when we celebrated with them. Oh, he loved that cake and the frosting and the painting of the frosting on the table. He gave us all a good show. And the lucky boy that he is, he still has two more celebrations to go. One with PA and Betty tomorrow night and one big gala next Saturday with the Grays. Lucky, lucky one year old. We love you, Willy!
1 comment:
I can't believe he is one--it seems like just yesterday he was born. He is just darling.
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