Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer life in action

Have we been at Scofield a lot this summer?  Heck yeah.  We just love it up there.  The perfect place to be in the summer.  So, this is just last week, so much sun and beautiful days on the lake.  Plus...
 Lots of time with the goats.  Those babies are too cute.  And not to mention the times that we have to be goat herders and round up the run-aways.
 Beautiful days = lots of lake time.  I love this action shot of Peter jumping off the dock.  He has gotten so brave this year!
 Caleb doing his own awesome moves.
 William is not quite to the end of the dock, yet, but he has been having some fun.
 The Cool Guys, rockin' the blow-up and taking charge of the lake.

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