Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

Fun with glow-sticks...
Yummy dinner with glowing lights.  Even the fish ate by candle light.
We built a fire in the fireplace, played with glow sticks, it was a great way to ring in the new year.  Of course there were a few fights over glow stick colors and pretty much everyone was asleep before the rest of the neighborhood started celebrating with fireworks, but we had fun.
As we were sitting by the fire I asking everyone to think of their favorite memories from the last year.
This is one of Haley's memories that she mentioned, one day after dropping the boys off at school we found this baby calf in a field near our house.  We would visit it weekly and Haley and William loved how small and soft it was.
William remembered learning how to ride his bike.
And being on his own soccer team!
Peter remembered all the fun he had with his best friend, Parker, at Scofield.
Also the time when Peter spotted the bear in Scofield.  That was exciting.
And he could not forget the game when he scored his first goal!  He also mentioned playing with his brothers as being a favorite time of 2013.
Caleb mentioned so many things that he wanted to remember from this last year.  
Scofield was at the top!  That place is the best!
Turning one decade old!  This kid is the best ever.  I love him more and more! He proves to be a stud every day.
Caleb also said his favorite memory was his brothers.  These boys sure know how to fight at times and get on each other's nerves, but they also know how to be good together.  Caleb also wrote down his family, Popcorn the lamb (which he named), the Buffalo calf from Yellowstone, primary and singing (which he is awesome at), music and playing his violin, smiles, books and prayer.  Like I said, he is a stud.
We all remembered the fun times that we spent together.
The baby goat, Brownie!  A definite favorite!  OH, and the lambs and horses all following us in the field and scaring Haley.  Oh, the good times that we have together.
The buffalo getting a police escort in Yellowstone!  So awesome!!!
One of Diedre's personal favorites, hiking up the mountain at Scofield, and feeling so accomplished and together as a family when we made it to the top.  Boy was that a mountain!  At least it was for the 5 of us, one of which carried little Haley the whole way and the other three which did it all on their own.  Way to go us!!!!!
 So, as I was laying there, helping Haley go to sleep, and thinking about the past year and the new year that lay ahead; I was thinking about what I desire for the new year, some of my hopes for my family.
These are just some of the most important for my family:
For Rob, to help us feel close together.
For Caleb, to help him prepare for the priesthood next year.
For Peter, (this is a biggie) to help him feel happy.  He is such a wonderful boy, but boy can he get grumpy.  I want him to feel happiness.  And I also want for him to feel such an outpouring of the spirit when he is baptized that he never wants to let it go.
For William, for him to learn to read this year.
For Haley, to continue her love of singing.
Most importantly, I want to be a part of all their lives.  For us all to grow in happiness, to work together, to serve each other, and to have a hope the good that lies ahead.  I love this family of mine!

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