Monday, October 18, 2010

Bili-bed rock stars!

This cute Haley girl wants you all to know she is happily bili-bed free! Yeah! She is the cutest thing ever. I have always loved watching a new baby sleep because they look so peaceful and precious. Watching a baby on the bili-bed is a little different because of the whole mask thing, but they are still cute. But now that she is off the bili-bed, why that makes things so nice. She does not have to sleep with that silly mask, she can stay up longer (much to the happiness of Peter), and she can wear the clothes that people have so generously given to her. It is awesome! Her bili-ruben levels were at a 12.7 on Friday and 8.8 today so they gave her the key to freedom. I must say I am proud of us for how good we are at the bili-bed routine. Goodbye blue glow, hello Haley girl!
Oh, and if anyone is curious about how this beautiful girl came into the world, it was fast and tiring! We got to the hospital in the morning, got the penicillin, then they broke my water, gave me pitocin (sp?) at 10:30ish, by 11:45 I was ready to go. They were frantically pumping me with the second dose of penicillin as I was pushing and she was here by 12:08 p.m. I must say, I am so glad that I do not have long labors. Whew, it was fast and I felt so tired afterward. Rob was amazing and I am so glad he was there with me. I am also glad that my doctor made it just in time and I am so glad that she is a healthy girl. We love her and love her beautiful eyes, cute little mouth, awesome hair, and sweet little smiles.

1 comment:

Heidi Mae said...

Congrats you guys! She's beautiful!