Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finally some snow

We finally received some snow that the boys could actually go out and play in. Peter and William were very excited to practice quiditch (sp?). Harry Potter is very exciting for them right now. They got all bundled up, got their "broomsticks" and they were off.
It was fun to watch. Caleb loves reading HP, playing HP lego, but not so much playing real HP. So, Caleb got bundled up and chose to shovel the sidewalks. What a cool kid.
But since the snow was not very good packing snow the kids stayed inside to paint their snowmen. It was a fun project for all. I even let Haley get in on the painting action and she loved it! And I must say hers turned out very cool.
Stay tuned for the update on Caleb's roller coaster third grade year. I am waiting at least until next week to make sure this teacher sticks. Have an awesome week!

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