Okay! We now have the internet in our home! Happy Birthday Rob! Maybe now I'll be able to put some of the junk in our garage onto Craigslist and get rid of it. . . oh, and post to our family blog.
So I usually feel like a whiner whenever I talk about myself, because it's all about work and how horrible my life is - so let's talk about what keeps me going - Diedre and our kids! They're brilliant. They're cute. One of them is even starting to show that she's pregnant. ;-)
Our family's happenings include: Rob - work.
Caleb and Peter discovered the museum of natural history and anything new to explore is wonderful for a boy. We had our first snowfall of the year and Peter discovered after enough bundling the snow can be fun. And Caleb rediscovered the joy of snowball fights. We also got out our Christmas music and have enjoyed dancing. Peter's most important thing as of late is new words and two word sentences. It's wonderful to see him get absolutely tickled by a picture of an "orse", a "toed", a "wuf", a "pgg", a "m-oww", a "gote", or a "dukk." The "orse" is his favorite though. We may be on our way to more coherent conversations. Oh, and the boys are also learning that having a brother can actually be fun, but do not push it, we still have our moments of "brothers can be a nuisance."
Diedre - where ever Caleb and Peter go, she goes too. To visit the horses, off we go. To discover the world of worms, off we go. To read Biscuit for the 10th time today, off we go. :) Oh, and Diedre is also pregnant, but we all know that.
We're so happy to finally have you on!!!! Keep posting pictures. We love it!!!
Yay! Welcome to the late 20th century! You're only 10 years late but we're excited just the same!
What is that thing that Caleb is holding?
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