Monday, December 22, 2008
Humm, where do we start?
Well, Christmas is upon us and before the festivities begin I will catch you up. The Gray boys in Utah had a Christmas sleepover on Friday (sorry Jackson and Cooper, we missed you. We could have used a Batman and Buzz Lightyear at the party). We had all the fun going on. The three of them played superheros with Peter tagging along and doing whatever Caleb was doing. Caleb was Spiderman, Jonathon was Superman and Jonah was the Sandman (from Spiderman 3) or a statue or a skeleton- basically whatever his mood was. They loved it! Then we made pizza, had banana splits (Caleb was the only one that had a true banana split, J and J only had the ice cream and Peter did not even stick around long enough for the pizza), and then they played more trains and portal jumping games. Jonathon kept running around blasting things and then saying he was going to Minnesota . Random! Oh and there was the miracle of the train! Sounds weird but listen: a long time ago Peter's favorite fire engine train with the remote got treated badly at a party and broken. He was sooo sad. I tried everything to get it to work, even called the company and went through trouble shooting things with the lady on the phone. No good! So, at the sleepover Jonah was playing with the broken fire engine train however, it was somehow working. I asked him what he did and he just picked it up and started playing. Whoa! Peter was so happy, it was working and Jonah did something do fix it. Jonah was so pleased with himself saying, "I always knew that I was a magician." Then we took a drive around the neighborhood to look at the Christmas lights. The boys loved it, I gave them glow sticks and let them ride in the back without seat belts on. Oh the freedom! Then we came home, set up the sleeping bags (Caleb was soooo stoked that he got to sleep in a sleeping bag too), read stories and then amazingly enough they were all out by 10 pm. No joke. The next morning was fill with more superheros, portals, trains and eating a lot of popcorn. Peter and Caleb are doing great and William is growing and so enjoys all of the boy toys we have. He loves to get a hold of the dinosaurs or one of the boys' cars, it is difficult to keep the Lego Star Wars away from him and he loves flashing lights. It is the best. And newest of all, oh we are so happy, he has rolled completely over. We have tried and tried to get him to crawl but every time he is on his tummy he rolls right over and just stays there on his back, happy as a lark. But tonight, for the first time, he rolled onto his back then rolled over again on his tummy. Yeah! Rob is good and busy at work and I, Diedre, a, good and busy with laundry. :) Love you all! Merry Christmas!
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
Scenes from the superhero party! Full of portals, spooky skeletons, a lot of running and fun.
The miracle of the train!
Proof that they did fall asleep, they were up by 6:30ish. UGH!
Yes, the vacuum tree lives on
Don't worry, I do not let them beat up on him too much. The poor kid, what he has to look forward to....
A much better picture of the Willy B. We love you all!
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Sounds like a fun party. Wish our boys could have been a part of it. :(
Will is getting so big! I can't believe we still haven't been able to see him.
Hope you guys have wonderful Christmas!
Thanks again Diedre! The boys had so much fun-it's all they talked about for days. Jonah still talks about not having to wear his seat belt-nice try kid! Love you!
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