The boys came up with that design together, they were very proud.
My boys are cool! Peter today had his 5 year/Kindergarten checkup and he was great! It came time for the shots and he bravely stepped up to the plate. You could tell he was nervous/scared but he was ready. The first two shots came and he handled them like a champ. I could see he wanted to tear up, but he was brave. Then the last two shots and only a small, nervous laugh came from him, followed by a "I did it, Mom." smile. What a brave, tough kid! Caleb had left the room because he did not want to see it all play out, and when he came back in he was surprised that Peter was all done. He was awesome!
Now for Caleb, yesterday he gave a terrific talk in Primary. I was so proud of him because he basically wrote the talk on his own. I just jotted down a few questions related to his topic (faith) and he answered them. Then from those answers I added a few other lines he wanted from a conference talk and wallah, he had done it on his own. I was especially touched when I read what he had done for his testimony of faith (the last line of his talk), he really has a good heart. He is a fantastic speaker, always speaks so clearly and with good pronunciation. This was his talk:
"Faith to me means that you believe in something you do not know about. We can show we have faith by believing in Jesus and Father in Heaven. We show faith when we keep the commandments because we believe that Father in Heaven will bless us when we follow them. In conference Elder Nelson said, 'It takes faith to obey the commandments, and keeping His commandments will strengthen that faith.' Faith also helps us know that Jesus loves us so we love Him. When we believe in Jesus and that he came to Earth and died for us, our love for Him grows stronger. We can also trust Jesus and His power when we show faith in what He says in the scriptures. In Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 Jesus tells us, 'I will be on your right hand and on your left.' When we are faithful, He and His angels will help us. I know that faith is a strong witness that Jesus and Heavenly Father exist and that They love us very much."
We are proud of him. Now comes another moment tomorrow night when he has his baptism interview with the Bishop. I am excited for him, for this time in his life. I know he will do well in the interview, he knows his stuff. I just hope he feels it in his heart, so that it is really important to him.
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