We said goodbye to Spring yesterday and hello to Summer today, and we did it in a grand way. Yesterday the boys and I were able to feast on some super yummy strawberries that have been growing in our garden! There are so many more just waiting to be fully ripe for us to devour. And then the raspberries are on their way, we cannot wait! Then for dinner I went to the garden and picked some of the lettuce growing there and had myself a healthy dinner out in the back yard while the boys ate their own non-garden food (quesadilla and noodles). I thought our send-off to Spring was appropriate.

Then today was hello Summer. It was beautiful today! Warm, slight breeze, sunny! We got out the pool and the boys loved it. They love getting wet, as long as someone else is not helping them get wet. While they played in the water, ate more strawberries, and played in the tree; I finished mowing the lawn and did some gardening. Beautiful! Then for dinner we ate outside again and I had another yummy salad. The boys snacked on watermelon, oranges, bananas, and rolls while going in and out of the pool. Then they finished it off by having an ice-cream sandwich. What a great way to have dinner. Hello, Summer!
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