Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Hansen Christmas Party 12/23/07

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Ok, so we have the usual white elephant gift exchange. I thought my gifts (that I gave) were pretty cool. Emily ended up with one of them which was a compact travel umbrella with a case, and a hula girl, you know, which can go in her new Toyota.

Anyway, the kids had their own, and Jon-Jon ended up with a pair of binoculars-which he had never seen before. He opened it up, and looked up with the most joyous expression. "LOOK WHAT I GOT!!!!" "Well what is it?" Grandma Gray asked....................To which Jon-Jon looked up with a very confused expression, and a drawn out silence......"Those are binoculars!" I replied. "COOL!!!" was his excited response. Still had no idea, and boy was he excited about it!

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