Thursday, February 21, 2008 is this supposed to go again?

Nurturer or Command Officer? Teacher or Task Master? Peacemaker or Referee? Happiness or Insanity? I am not sure which of these roles I fill most of the time. But oh my goodness, these kids are something else! I think I missed out on the quality of nurturing and patient when they were given out in heaven. I think I was off in Lala Land figuring out how to best torture children. I think that I have come up with the reason that my kids fight me and do not like me most of the time, I make them do things. Shocking, I know! Today I told Caleb that he had to wash himself clean in the bathtub, after ward I told him he had to get dressed, comb his hair and stop kicking his toys all around because he was being too rough. I was given opposition on every front. I know, I am not alone and it sounds like I am throwing a pity party for myself...well if you do not want to read further just click out now! :) I sat down with Caleb and tried to have him eat a dried apricot at lunch time, you would think I was trying to poison him! And at dinner I told him that if he did not want me to always tell him no and do not do that, then he should just have good manners and do what was right. Do not think that Peter was the perfect angel today. Oh by far, he is 2 and follows very closely in Caleb's footsteps. :) Why am I having another one!?! My one cute moment from Caleb, that I can recall at this point in time, was at dinner when he looked at me mid-meal and said, "I bet you can't guess that I want more water?" Oh, it is only for those reasons that people are still alive today! Hopefully Heavenly Father will block from Caleb and Peter's mind the ugly events of their childhood and they can remember me being a somewhat loving, fun and kind mother. If not they have in store the perfect excuses of why they are messed up adults and cannot handle life. :)

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