Thank you Jonathan! I love you!
Once inside the spiffy new visitor's center we bought a car cd audio tour so that we could take the tour from our own car on our own time. We also decided to take a look at the museum they had there too. It ended up taking us an hour to make it through the museum, but we saw some pretty cool stuff. Actual drums, guns, and uniforms worn by soldiers, as well as medical instruments, flags flown during battles etc. It was very informative and a great starter to this tour. The picture of the whole family is taken infront of the Gettysburg address written on the window. Jonathan and I were really excited this morning about getting to see this place (Gettysburg), but the reality of what happened here and what it meant as well as how tragic the deaths were was all summed up in this quote.

After the museum we had some lunch at the "refreshment saloon" aka extremely over priced lunchroom. We decided that our table was cursed. During the course of the meal Cooper knocked over his cup of water and ended up with a soaked lap. I mean soaked. After getting it all cleaned up we proceeded to eat and during the coarse of our meal two different people spilled drinks right next to our table. We kind of laughed that there was something wrong with the area we sat in and then...Jonathan knocked over a completely full glass of water on our table. Hah hahahahahah.
We only made it through half of the tour today due to some other 'incidents'(kids), but here are a few pictures of what we've seen. Through out the whole day we kept saying how much my dad would love this place. I think this kind of stuff is his cup of tea. Anyway, I don't remember exactly where the next three picture were, and it's too late and I'm too tired to find the booklet and figure it out right now, but Cooper is in one of the pictures if you look close. The boys loved being able to get out and run around in the grass. I do remember that the last picture was taken on a lookout on Little Round Top, an important part of the battle (if you care to look it up).

This brings back a lot of memories. Bird-in-Hand is a lot like an FLDS compound right? No, not really. I loved that place. The quilts were incredible at the market. Did you go to the market? Gettysburg is pretty fun too. I liked looking at all the old guns and stuff. The letters between the men that died and their loved ones were touching. It's been awhile so I don't know what they still have there-but I'm pretty sure the fields are still there from the pictures. I remember taking a picture with the whole family on a big cannon and then running across the sign that asked us not to climb on them-oops. Looks like you guys had a great time. Wish we could have gone too!
You are so good to update everyone about your vacation, while you are still on vacation. I guess that way you do not forget what happened. :) Jonathon, I am sure you will be more up and ready to answer the phone next time it rings. :) It sounds like a ton of fun and probably very nice to get away from it all and just be together without schedules. Keep having fun! -Diedre
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