From where we're at in Connecticut we had a choice of three directions. South is not an option due to the high H2O concentration and certain family members inability to swim as yet. North? Well, winter blows. Why go toward the cold. Of course it might take a wee bit longer to reach The Cold due to climate change, and such. Providence, RI lies to the east...tempting, so so tempting...
West it is! So we look west on the map. Had a bit of a rough go trying to narrow down the continental US to a do-able 5-to-6 day family vacation. As fortune would have it we quickly decide to see a bit of US history whilst on the right coast. Gettysburg seems like a good spot. I mean, now it seems a good spot. Once upon a time I don't imagine it held many fond memories. But here is is here...whatever. Following Gettysburg the plan is to see the nations Capitol in all its spring glory. Side Note: we'll be in Penn for the Keystone state's Presidential Primary. We'll keep our eyes peeled for the embittered religion and/or gun clingers. So far everyone has been very nice. We haven't been shot at or beat with bitter bible-wielding grannies. I think Douglas' red hair keeps them at bay. Or maybe the folks in SanFran were told a bit of a tall tale...we'll know better after we've been here longer.
Whilst perusing the 2001 Wal-Mart super-size road atlas Dad realized that Nazareth, PA was only a couple miles out of the way from New Haven, CT to Gettysburg, PA. Now you're talking! Now we realize that there may be a couple of you out there that may not grasp the significance of Nazareth, PA. However curiously close to Bethlehem, PA it may be...all the street signs and store signs are in English, not Hebrew or Arabic. Stay with us here. Okay, blank looks and shrugs. Google the name in the following photo:

Yes, young grasshopper. Now you see why Dad was so excited about this particular detour. For those of you wingless nymphs (google that, too) who still don't get it we'll all know by the comments you leave. Here's to you.
We went on the tour of the factory! Mom said Dad had a stupid grin on his face the entire time. We all agree a stupid grin is better than just a stupid face with no grin. Here's to you, Alabama. (Mom just reprimanded Dad for that last comment...sorry, Alabama.) More on the tour later. Let's wait to see who the agooglers are.
Another plus for the trip to Gettysburg is the route through southeast PA. It is easily one of the most scenic areas in the Country; rolling hills, tall trees, Amish farms. You know this is authentic when the shoulders have horse pucky up and down the road. Sometimes it is best to keep the windows in the car up and the air on re-circulate rather than "fresh". But at the risk of sounding irreverant and cynical we must take a step back and discuss the true nature of the area:

This is beautiful country! What a place! Mom and Dad love it. Jackson is in the back of the family van telling Cooper that Heavenly Father didn't make Cooper a Jackson so he (Cooper) can't be a Jack. And besides, Jackson explains to his brother how he (Cooper) doesn't look like Papa Jack (G'pa Regas) anyway. So not only is the countryside beautiful and the drive relaxing but the company is good as well!

Nobody tell the big-bad wolf but there's a "little" pig there ripe for the plucking sans huffing or puffing, etc.

These were a trip! Seeing this on television is cool. Seeing it as you drive down the country road is far better. Even better is seeing the pick-up truck version (the one with the kids on the buggy's flatbed) outside the Arby's in the Super Wal-Mart parking lot. That's a trip! Further down the road near Bird-in-Hand and Intercourse (no joke, google it), PA we even saw a buggy mechanic shop! Okay, maybe you don't think that's as cool as we did. But, hey! It makes sense right. Your buggy-brakes go out...gotta see Bob, the Buggy Mechanic. You know that horse is only going to take the rump thump so many times before before you're advertising his shoe size on your forehead. I wonder if buggy brakes squeek like car brakes? Hmmm.

The day ended with more of these wondrous scenes as we drove into Gettysburg with the nightfall. Beautiful! This has got to be one of God's top ten on his "Things created" list.
Look for more tomorrow. We'll have some tales of Gettysburg.
Today was a good day!
1 comment:
So how long have you been on this trip? Geez, I guess I don't get on the blog enough, not even to see my own brother and fam going to one of the top 3 guitar shops ever. Jon, do they have a sampling room? Did you get a sample for me? Ha! Love you anyway.
Man! You Guys! I'm jealous, those are some Beautiful photos!
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