Look at the size of that dinosaur! It is such a fun museum. We went to Thanksgiving Point to explore their dinos and it was so worth it. They have this cool star tunnel that the boys loved going through. It was as if you were walking suspended in air and there was an echo the boys loved. They had a section on paleontologists that was less than exciting. Then you got into the dinosaur bones where they had so many different ones. I loved the huge skeletons and the boys loved the little cave they had replicated underneath some bone displays. They had running water in certain parts where there were live fish swimming next to skeletons seeming to get a drink. They had images flying in the air and a little play area where the boys had fun putting on a puppet show. Then there was the erosion table that the boys could have spent hours at. Imagine a huge sand box with running water, little toy trees and dinosaurs to play with and you could do whatever. Build mountains of sand to block the water then have it all come spilling though in a flash flood, or making your own canyons and rivers. The boys loved it! My next favorite place was where they collected all of the undersea dinosaurs and their skeletons. That was cool! Those things were so large and awesome! My only complaint, they should charge adults half what they do. As a parent you do not see even a half of the museum because your kids are darting to and fro and passing all these cool things that you would love to linger on but they are busy getting lost or hiding or trying to climb into where the bones are rather than staying on the right side of the bars. Other than that it was fabulous! Peter of course walked away wanting to buy some little dinosaur toys, completely forgetting that he just barely received some at home; but all in all he had fun. I think his other favorite present was the football Granny Gray gave him with the hoodie. He went right out and just started playing by himself. He has his own football rules you know and sometimes other people just get in his way. It was a fun time.
A quick note on the Haley girl.... Haley is still awesome and cute and we all love her tons. At 4 months she is 15 lbs. and 25 inches long. Beautiful hair and adoring brothers.
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