Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Primary Program

About six or so months ago I was called to be the primary chorister. I was nervous at first. I love to sing to my kids, I know the songs and I love to teach. But I was not quite sure about getting up there and teaching the songs. I think the kids think me crazy some Sundays. But I have honestly grown to enjoy/love this calling. I am so excited that all three of my boys will be in primary next year, it will be so fun to sing with them and be with them. Anyway, back to the program.
I was nervous about how it would all go off. At times the kids could sing great, and other times they made me worry. So about the second practice I decided that I needed to start praying for choirs of angels to come down and help them sing the Sunday of the program. Then I wised up and realized I just needed to have faith in the children. We have prepared them all year for this program, taught them and practiced with them. I just needed to have faith in them and that the spirit would be there.
Sunday, the 30th of October, was the day of the program. We got to church early to save my seat right up front and center. Granny and Grandpa Gray, PA and Betty, and Larry all came to support the boys. The boys looked awesome in the white shirt and Grandpa Guido ties, and they were ready to sing and give their parts. And I was not too nervous for the program to start. And it went beautifully! The children were reverent during the speaking parts, not too coordinated on standing up and down together (but that is okay), and they stood remarkably still during the songs so there was not a lot of play. The most important part was that they sang so well! They knew the words, sang out nice and strong, and the spirit was there! Success! During practices I had prepped the kids with me not singing during specific parts of the songs so that it would just be them. I thought that it was important that for the last song, I know the scriptures are true, they were the only ones singing the last line of the song as a final way of bearing their testimony for the congregation. It was perfect! I was so proud of these sweet children. At the very end of the song I dropped out and led them, with only their sweet voices being heard. They sang the words out and I know the spirit was there for all to feel. It was wonderful! They bore their testimony through song and that is what I wanted for them. Plus, we had prepared them, so I had no fear of it going well that day. It was Awesome! And I look forward to the coming year for primary and singing and planning and teaching. It will be terrific!

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