Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Game On!

A new season has approached. Hello, schedules. Hello, school. Hello, soccer.
 Peter's team rocked it like no other.  They won 20-0!  Whoa.  And Peter scored the last goal of the game.  Good way to start a season.
 William's team also did good.  They won 3-0.  William did not appreciate the heat nor the bigger field, but he will get used to it.  It was fun to watch him play.
 Caleb, the kid in green.  Ahhh, the big goal.  Ahhh, those Saturday games played right in the heat of the day.  Ahhh, competition soccer - we say hello to a new era.  They did well.  Better than in their first tournament.  They were able to keep up with the bigger kids and play well.  We actually scored once.  Unfortunately, we lost 6-1.  Boo.  But Caleb performed well.  He made 6 saves, 3 blocks and they shot on goal like 17 times.  It was a good first in competition, with much more to come.
 And say hello to school.  This awesome one started 7th grade and he was happy to do it!  Hello, lockers and many classes a day and bell schedules and all the like.  He came home talking about new friends and the cookies that the lunch lady served that tasted like pickles.  Hilarious.
 Diedre's first day of school lunch, I am proud of my cleverness. 
 Off to new learning and adventures.
Our silly Peter.  He likes to be goofy.
Sweet little man.  2nd grade here he comes, and he has some of the best teachers that you could ever find.  So excited for this new year.
This little Miss.  She misses the deadline for Kindergarten, so she gets to hang with me, help me out and we will do our best at Mommy School again this year.  

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