Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Spring Break - more fun together

 So, besides the temple we planned other things to do together.  To get out and play, to have fun.  Peter needed to do a service project for scouts.  He chose to plant some flowers at the assisted living center where Caleb did his Eagle project.  It was a nice day to be outside and plant some pretty flowers.
 On the day we went to the Ogden Temple we took the opportunity to visit the Hill Aerospace Museum.  The kids all loved seeing the planes so up close, they were huge.  Caleb really got into reading about each of the planes and learning more about them.
 Just a funny picture, Caleb looks like he is about to be eaten. :)
 So many cool planes to look at and be wowed at how powerful they were.
 After visiting the Mt. Timpanogos Temple we were looking for a park to play at.  We ended up driving in the canyon and found a nice, quite spot by the river to picnic.  Being my kids and near water, they took the opportunity to find sticks and get wet.
 It was such a beautiful spot.  The water was cold, but that did not stop them from sending sticks down stream, getting them back and finding all sorts of ways to play together and go home wet.  Good times!
 While we were in Provo we stopped by the UVU library to see their stained glass window exhibit.  It was really cool.  There were tiny things hidden in each of the windows that you were trying to find.  We all loved the colors and amazing way that art was created with glass.
Beautiful colors and so much to look at.
 This was Peter's favorite.  It is so cool how they took the image of a tree, with the hand and made it all wrap and twist together to become one.  Amazing to look at.

One other thing we made sure to do on our Spring Break.  Tasty Temple Treats.  We had ice cream, donuts, cookies, cotton candy and Toblerones.  Yum and fun, together as a family.

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