Friday, August 1, 2008

Kids are cute

The other day I was watching an episode of Project Runway while I ate my lunch. The boys were done eating by that time and were in and out of the room while I was watching/eating. At the end of the show Jackson had planted himself on the couch and was asking me all sorts of questions. Why is this happening? Why is that? Why is he sad? That looks weird...etc. The show ended and then the baby woke up. We all went upstairs to get him and I decided I'd clean up my room and put away laundry. Douglas made his way into the boys room and I over heard this.
Jackson -"Cooper, I'm sorry, but you're out. You need to leave now."
Cooper walks into my room head down in defeat and says, "Mom, I'm out."
I tried not to laugh and said, "It's ok, you're always 'in' in my book."
He smiles and then Jackson calls him back into the room and Cooper merrily rejoins the one that just kicked him out only a min ago.
A few min. later I overhear Jackson again,
"Douglas, I'm sorry, but you're out. You need to leave."
A long silent pause before he then says, "Cooper...we need to leave the room. Douglas doesn't understand it when we say get out."
They both walk into my room very solemn followed very shortly by...Douglas.
"No Douglas you're out!"


Jason said...

Hilarious!!! Good one. Kids are my favorite entertainment.

Rob said...

Ha! That's beautiful! Why do we as adults let being "in" or "out" drive so much of what we do? When I'm "out" I always find myself really sulking about it. Good example of resilience, Cooper! Keep it up Douglas! You're never out!


Dave said...

Freakin' hilarious! I would've died laughing if I were there!