This last Saturday, we decided that staying home because of all this cold weather was getting old. So we ventured out to do something fun for the boys. At first we thought we'd go up to Boston, but realized that the weather wasn't the best for wandering around a strange city. It's been very cold here, and so going somewhere that was indoors was a better fit. Up in Groton, CT there is a submarine museum which we thought the boys would get a kick out of. And it's free, which mom and dad got a kick out of. We packed a lunch, had a picnic in the parking lot (in the car of course) and then got out to see what these submarines were all about. Not only is there a museum with old pictures and memorabilia, but there's an actual submarine, still in the water, that you can take a tour of. The boys thought it was the greatest!
Here we are in front of the submarine

Standing on top of the sub

Through out the sub there were these scary mannequins. This guy was by far the weirdest of all, but in submarine world he's pretty big stuff! He's got a sink and desk in his very own room. As opposed to whoever sleeps.... For some perspective, I couldn't walk through that doorway without having to turn sideways. And even though you can't see it very well, there is a third bunk up on top. So 6 guys in that small space! Yeah, do not take this tour if you're claustrophobic.

The hallways are super narrow, the stairs super steep, the holes/doorways to the different chambers of the submarine are all very small. I should of taken a photo of Jonathan trying to get through one while holding the baby.
This was one of the more open areas. These 'guys' help 'drive' the sub.

Just some cute pics of the kids while we were walking back to the main museum building

There were periscopes that actually came out on top of the building, so you could check out the parking lot, the water, etc.

Not quite tall enough

I just thought this was a cute picture of Jackson

My boys taking charge

Playing on the replicas out front

Circumference of two submarines, crazy huh?

Get rid of that energy!!! You can just barely make out Douglas in the distance. He's a runner. Away from us that is. Yes that beautiful stage where running away from mom and dad is just so funny (for him).

Propellers from a submarine
That is really cool! It looks like fun to go exploring and I am sure you had a million questions from your boys about all the submarine stuff. That looks like a very fun outing for your family.
That is really cool! It looks like fun to go exploring and I am sure you had a million questions from your boys about all the submarine stuff. That looks like a very fun outing for your family.
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