The week before, Diedre planned her annual back to school party which was a total blast as usual! The boys all had fun with their different activities.

They wrote introductory letters to each of their teachers...As you can see, the following is Jon's:
Back to the party...They made their very own t-shirts!

And had a sleepover!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Joe and Jon received new Superman pjs--complete with cape! (attached with velcro.) Both boys ran around the house the first day the put them on--running with their heads turned back looking over their shoulders--to see if the capes were billowing...Of course Dacia and I were sutably impressed, even if Joe became very frustrated that he couldn't see and billowing from his cape. Jon was just happy his flapped at the edges a bit...

We went to Dacia's concert tonight. Her choir, Deseret Chamber Singers sang at the Springville Art Museum. It was their end of summer concert, and it was very nice. Below are a couple very brief videos of some of their pieces. (Each song clip is less than 30 seconds long--and three clips, taken with my super high-tech, ultra sophisticated film and studio equipment....a $100 point a click camera...No seriously, the choir was great and my recording not.)
Yes, I was sitting in the audience. I felt guilty the whole time, like I was bootlegging a movie or something...I added one more song, several clips. I told you my camera was rinky-dink! It only records sound for video in one minute intervals. It will keep recording video after one minute--without sound, so I have to keep stopping and restarting my recording. I tried to look for pauses, or rests, but wasn't always successful. This clip is 5m30s long--all one song.
Uh, yeah, the video is of the floor. I told you I felt guilty!! Mainly of filming the back of heads...
Wait, is the taller superkid (I couldn't really say bigger) beating up the shorter superkid? Or trying to protect him?
1 comment:
Beautiful music, cute kids, fun party, awesome pjs. Thanks for the update. We miss you guys. Wish we could be there to have fun with you all.
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