Caleb survived! It was his first day of school. All day school. A hot day at school with jeans on. His first day of first grade and eating lunch at school. Oh, also did I mention he survived his first day of Spanish Immersion with the beginning being in Spanish and then the end with an english teacher. Whew! He made it and he told me the day was super. He really likes his Spanish teacher, Senora Barker. He says she had a magic necklace that when she turns it a certain way she can speak English, the rest of the time it is pure Spanish. Mrs. N is his English teacher. He did really great and he is ready to go learn that Spanish. We have been practicing and he has been doing really well, even Peter gets into practicing. :) Speaking of Peter, he was sooooo sad that he did not get to stay at school this morning. He was so upset with me that he would not be staying. Poor thing. I wish he could have, I know he would have loved to be with Caleb. So, here are the photos:
So, on to tomorrow. More Spanish, more recess, and more practicing with mom. Hasta manana!
Awesome! Nice work Caleb!
You are the man, Caleb!
I/m so jealous that you get to learn Spanish!
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