Well, it happened tonight, Caleb's tooth popped outta there and not a bit of pain. It was actually quite a surprise to all of us. Caleb was messing around on the couch tonight doing all sorts of stunts and unauthorized tricks and at one point he came to sit on the floor. Out of the blue he sprang up and said, "My tooth fell out!" But he did not know where it was, great. I thought for sure it was a goner, who knows when it came out. He had been eating an apple earlier in the afternoon, there was the circus act on the couch and then the always lovely fight with Peter, it could have happened at any time. We started the face on the floor search and I really could not see anything. But then, by all of the luck I found it, the smallest thing I think I have seen in a while. It is so tiny! It looked a lot bigger in his mouth. Caleb was ecstatic, jumping up and down and running here and there. Yeah, it is out! It did not hurt a bit and I did not have to do anything myself to get it out. :)
Oh PS, Valentine's day was fun. We did Caleb's 100 day project for school and dinner was yummy. I did a Paris theme. We looked at our photos from our vacation to Paris 4 years ago and then we ate Baguettes, Crepes with Nutella (yummm!) and had Italian Creme Sodas, raspberry favored of course. Oh the baguettes were yummy because of a good flavored tomato, nutella is delicious on crepes (something we learned in Paris) and oh how I love raspberry sodas - with extra raspberry and creme. :) Happy Valentines to all!
I swear that tooth was attached during the party last night. Especially when the kids all ambushed me in their bedroom last night! When did this happen? Two seconds later?
Yea! Caleb. Now your other teeth will have a chance to shine!
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