Yes, this man rigged up a casket to be a car and entered it into the St. Patrick's Day parade here in Salt Lake. :) The caption on the back of the casket said, "Putting the FUN back into funerals." Too clever! It was awesome. Steve and Emily met us down at Gateway to watch the very long parade, we left after an hour and 45 minutes and the parade was still going. This casket car was by far one of the best entries. :)
Other happenings in life. Caleb is signed up for T-Ball starting in April. He is very excited to play. He has his baseball hat ready to wear and we hope that he enjoys it as much as he did soccer. He is already planning on soccer in the Fall, after we take out trips to Scofield. :) He is also gearing up for Kindergarten. We have orientation in April to find out what we are really doing in the big kid world of school and then, off we go. He is not happy about leaving Miss Margaret's preschool, he likes just going to her house for school. I think the big school will be an adjustment for him, but he will love all the kids and recess, oh boy!
Peter is Peter. Learning more words each day and still suffering from ear infections. Argh! He will repeat almost anything we ask him to say and his prayers are so precious. Oh, and that we know of he said his first complete sentence on Saturday morning, "I want it back!" Nice. A couple of more pictures then I will sign off:
Okay Gray family, I have no idea who posted the first comment but I am not about to "See here or here." Whatever that is about I hope everything is safe on our blog. -Diedre
Looks like a fun day! Have a good one tomorrow as well!
Are those tulips made out of egg cartons? Looking for a Joy school craft:P
FYI you can delete the first comment, it does look like some sort of spyware or something. You guys can also add some protection to your blog like comment verification in the settings.
Yeah, I'll fix that on Dad's pc this weekend...Funny stuff Rob and Diedre! Cute boys as always...
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