We had a nice Easter though. Easter morning we discovered the Easter bunny had come to our house and as you can tell from this picture, Jackson was pretty excited.

This was the first year that our Easter bunny actually hide some of the eggs. In the past they've just been scattered around the floor and on furniture, but he must have decided that the boys were old enough now to actually look for them. The boys had a blast trying to find all the eggs (and mommy hopes we actually did, someone forgot to count) :-)

Douglas was obviously pretty excited about the festivities too.

Later that day after church our neighbor, Donna, wanted to do an egg hunt for the kids outside. She has one son who's 16 but has the mental capacity of a baby, so she was excited to do this with the boys. I took her over some empty plastic eggs and she filled them up with candy she'd bought and then scattered the eggs and all sorts of toys all around the lawn on the side of our building. The boys loved it! Jackson was so busy picking up one toy at a time and showing it to me and then Jonathan and then Donna, and then giving us all commentary about it, that he didn't end up with much loot since Cooper was steadily picking up all the eggs during Jackson's nonstop talking (see picture below).

One of the cool toys they found out on the lawn was a punch ball. The boys loved them, especially Jackson. I love this picture!!!

Along with the candy that the Easter bunny left was a new T-shirt for each of them, which they were very proud to show off.

Oh and I made creamed eggs and coffee cake for dinner. Yummy!
Tell you what, I'm still laughing from Jackson's faces at the top of the stairs and the one with the punching ball. Classic!
Punching ball picture is sweet!
Sounds like a blast! i am amazed that you were able to catch these pics so perfectly. Such cute kids. I hope you are all feeling better for the colds, pneumonia, and sinus probs. Baby Douglas is so cute. Every time I see his picture I wish I could hold him and see him up close. He will be walking probably before that happens. Love you guys!
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