So my life lately has consisted of just one thing. Sick boys!! As you can see in this lovely photo of my lovely sons doing what they do best, Jonathan is one of those boys too. We've had a nasty case of colds going around here. Some how I've been the only one who's escaped it. Must have something to do with the fact that I'm female :-) since there's no reason I shouldn't have gotten this. I've had enough snot and coughs covering me for the last week to have gotten this cold 3x's over. Currently Jonathan's doing much better (just a slight cough now), Cooper seems to also be on the very tale end of things, and the baby is finally not gagging on his mucus any longer either. But then there's Jackson. His seems to be getting worse. The past two days I've been surprised to not find one of his lungs on his bed when I go in there in the middle of the night. I didn't know a kid could cough this hard or often. The poor thing. It's made for a few long nights here, especially since cold medicine for kids under 6 is getting hard and harder to find. (stupid law)
On a much more happy note. I found an amazingly easy and delicious recipe that I want to share with you all. One of my new favorite websites is http://thepioneerwoman.com/ . I don't remember how I found it, but she's really into photography and food and can be funny too. You should all check out her food website (there's a link on her original website). So the recipe that I tried was the Apple Dumplings. Here it is
2 Granny Smith apples cored, peeled and cut into 8 pieces each
1 1/2 cups of sugar
2 sticks of salted butter
1 tsp of vanilla
2 cans of crescent roles (i used the super generic brand and they still turned out great)
1 can of Mountain Dew
Butter a 9 x 13 pan with one of the sticks of butter
Unrole the crescent rolls. Put one piece of apple in each one and role it up and put it in the pan.
Melt the 2 sticks of butter in a pan. Add sugar and vanilla and only stir slightly. It should still be lumpy and grainy.
Pour over rolls/apples in the pan making sure everything gets coated.
Now take the can of Mountain Dew and pour around the edges of the pan (and I did it down the center too since I had two extra rolls there.) I didn't use the whole can, but almost.
Then just sprinkle the top with cinnamon generously and bake at 350 for 30-45 min.
Honestly takes only 10 mins to put together and they are soooooo good. Not the lowest calorie, but soooooo good. They're even good the next day. We put a few in a container in the fridge and had them the next day warmed up with ice cream and they were still great. My favorite part...It's like eating apple pie with crust in every bite!!!

Mmmmmmm.. apple dumplings. Stinks being sick, Mindy's just getting over a cold as well (the timing was most inconvenient since she's recovering from a hernia surgery). No fun!
Fun! We just went through the same cyle at our place...I think I was the only one who ended up not catching it.
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