I hate being sick!!! Hate it, hate it, hate it!!! (stomp, stomp, stomp) Life here in my house has been a non stop nose blowing festival. Last Tuesday I took Douglas and Cooper to the doctor because Cooper had had a fever for two days and Douglas had been coughing. We found out that they both had an ear infection. So they've both been enjoying yummy pink antibiotics. The next day Wednesday I woke up with the most intense pain in my ear. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the phone book to start looking for a doctor. Jonathan wasn't feeling good and had stayed home that morning and wanted to go see a doctor also. So we dropped Jackson off at school and went to a walk in clinic. The doctor said I had an ear infection. Imagine that. But that I couldn't take antibiotics for it for another 3-4 days since ear infections in adults can many times be viral, not bacterial. Jonathan ended up getting an x-ray done on his chest since he's had this cough that just hasn't been going away. His diagnosis was pneumonia. He was put on antibiotics and told not to go to work for the rest of the week. By the next morning I couldn't hear out of my right ear and everything was muffled in my left ear, and that's pretty much what my hearing's been like since Thursday. My new favorite word is "What?". Well I'm pretty sure that my cold/ear infection has now turned into a full blown sinus infection. So I can't hear, or breath, and now the headaches that come along with sinus infections have started. I started an antibiotic yesterday, so hopefully things will start getting better. Other then becoming a pharmacy, we're doing great! :-)
On a more positive note, in the midst of all this sickness, Douglas has learned how to roll over! He's gotten sooo close for awhile now, but has just had a hard time picking his head up to finish rolling all the way from his back to his stomach. Now that he's figured it out, it's the only position he wants to be in. If you lay him down on the ground he will immediately flip over onto his stomach so he can watch his brother's as they run around the house. Up until now we haven't had to worry about having to buckle Douglas into his bouncy seat every time we put him in, but just after he learned how to roll over I caught him doing this.

The buckle will be used more often now.
Boy oh boy, life does get exciting! Let us hope that summer comes and we all stay healthy and safe from accidents. The way the Gray Family's year has begun with illness, we have to hope for a good summer. :)
Are you sure Douglas isn't just practicing his roundhouse kicks? Have y'all been watching Jackie Chan movies lately?
Dude, can't wait till he figures out that rolling is a great mode of locomotion...
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