So, have any of you ever wondered what a chemical burn to the eye looks like? Well, check out my right eye (the left one as you look at the pic). Yeah, I was swimming this morning at the SDRC (Aka the Bubble) when my eye started to feel like it was on fire while swimming. This isn't normally a problem since I get pool water in my eyes all the time, so that's no biggie. Somehow I just got some hyper concentrated amount of chlorine in my eyes (yes, I wear goggles). The eye doc said it's one of the worst chemical burns he's seen. My vision in my right eye is blurry since the epithelium was burned off. Not too much fun, and yes, it really really hurts. Enjoy the pic :)
Yeah, I realize I was a little redundant in this. Get over it!
And I thought you were just joking in the text you sent me. Gotta love the high quality of the SDRC pool!
Sorry about your eye. It was good to hear from you though! :-) How's work going?
DUDE!!!! OW!!!!
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