I think Rachel was a little too curious about my camera--not Addison. That kind of thing is old hat to her. It was nice to spend David's birthday all together!
Monday, December 20, 2010
David's Birthday 2010
I think Rachel was a little too curious about my camera--not Addison. That kind of thing is old hat to her. It was nice to spend David's birthday all together!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
All he wants for Christmas...
It happened. Rob wanted it to happen after Christmas so he would not have to sing that all too famous song, but it happened nonetheless. At Thanksgiving he lost the first front tooth. Then tonight we were playing a rousing game of toss the pom pom to each other ( I know, sounds like something you want to do right now), and at one point William and Caleb collided. And as fast as that I saw Caleb's other front tooth pop out onto the floor (it was already loose, do not worry). It hurt for a moment, blood was coming of course, but it was out. And now instead of just learning the Christmas songs we have been working on he may add another to the mix. So cool and crazy!
P.S. at 8:00 pm he just twisted out his other loose tooth! He was so excited about loosing that first one that he just pulled out his other one while he was supposed to be going to sleep. I told him he cannot pull out anymore, he looks pretty goofy with three teeth missing in a row. :) Plus, he is having a rough time taking bites of his food with all those chompers gone. What a funny, happy, excited kid.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
An awesome time at the Zoo!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Just to document my insanity, I have spent the last FOREVER building lego ships and models. Why you ask? So that my boys will actually play with the ships that I bought for them, instead of constantly building their own thing, losing the pieces..... I do not have a problem with them building from their imagination, I just like to see them playing with the actual cloud ship or tie-fighter every now and then. Legos are a funny thing, they can bring my boys together and help them play happily. They can also be the down-fall of a child. Either they fight over who gets Princess Leah or the fire engine, or William gets so frustrated with not being able to connect pieces that he has huge melt downs right there in the lego pile. So, yes I spent so long trying to sort through all of the colors and sizes and shapes just to build these fun toys for the boys. As I sat there sifting through piece after piece I realized two things. My boys have taken off with a few crucial pieces to the ships and said pieces have now disappeared into that black hole all toys dread; and I am absolutely crazy to invite more legos into our house. However, me being the wise person I am, I stood by as Caleb asked his grandparents for more legos for Christmas. I will probably never learn.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Weekend recap
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Simply cute!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Nice one!
Actually, all-in-all I was a very lucky on this crash. If it weren't for the barbwire and chain-link points, I would not have been injured much at all. As it is, my itemized list of injuries includes: a large contusion and scratch on anterior left thigh, two 4-inch scratches on anterior ribcage below left pec, one 3-inch scratch on left forearm, one quarter-inch puncture on left forearm, one 3x3-inch epidermis gash also on left forearm, a half-inch gash on chin, tiny puncture on left deltoid from the tetanus shot, one injured feel-bad and traumatized psyche due to sarcastic doctor. You know, that gash on my arm is a large enough pocket to carry a golf ball. Other than that, the only problems are the puntures on my chin and arm that won't stop bleeding.
The funniest part of the whole thing was the attending physician. She really wasn't sarcastic at all, and was quite humerous. Her biggest concern was the scarring, and she made certain to tell me in voluminous detail how she was stitching to reduce scarring. Of all the things I couldn't have cared about less. My biggest worry was making sure I received the tetanus shot.
I remember getting up from the crash, and taking inventory of my injuries and thinking that these were all superficial, notwithstanding the copious amounts of blood all over my chin, arm, clothes, and ground. I sat there musing, "This isn't so bad. If I wait until Monday to go to doctor, I'll save myself around $1500!" It was the whole tetanus thing that made me change my mind-that and the two-inch patch of exposed subcutaneous and muscle. I didn't even know about the chin until looking into the mirror and seeing a red goatee instead of the usual blond.
Well, enough belly-achin'! Following is some Halloween photos and stuff...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bili-bed rock stars!
This cute Haley girl wants you all to know she is happily bili-bed free! Yeah! She is the cutest thing ever. I have always loved watching a new baby sleep because they look so peaceful and precious. Watching a baby on the bili-bed is a little different because of the whole mask thing, but they are still cute. But now that she is off the bili-bed, why that makes things so nice. She does not have to sleep with that silly mask, she can stay up longer (much to the happiness of Peter), and she can wear the clothes that people have so generously given to her. It is awesome! Her bili-ruben levels were at a 12.7 on Friday and 8.8 today so they gave her the key to freedom. I must say I am proud of us for how good we are at the bili-bed routine. Goodbye blue glow, hello Haley girl!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Haley Gray
Sunday, October 10, 2010
We Love this Beautiful Girl!
So here's just another cute picture and video of Rachel. We love her THIS much! Is it really hard to see why?
A pretty much perfect day
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Rachel on a Swing
Tickle Monster
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Nesting Instinct
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The season is upon us
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Well, I'm done
Friday, September 10, 2010
First ever Father's and Son's camp
They're off! They just left and they are all so excited. Caleb was concerned about me being alone, how sweet is that. They are all just such cute boys. I love them! So, you are wondering what are my big plans for the next 24 hours? CLEAN! Yes, that is right I am excited to go get down to business and clean this house. How sad is that? I will have no boys to mess up the other room and I will not have the guilt hanging over my head that I am ignoring someone while I am cleaning. It will be great! It is just too bad this camping trip is not a week before the little one is born. Then the house would be ready. But I will take tonight and clean this place up.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Peter's day in the sun!
This is my Peter. Ready for school, he has been ready for a couple of years now actually. But finally his day came. No more waiting and wondering when it would be here, he was ready to go. He rode his bike all the way to school, across the street and into the cul-de-sac. And please note the football shirt, Peter's personal choice and he was so excited to wear this to school. He is such a sportsman. Then I came home and Willy was so sad he would not be going back with Peter. Then when I picked up Peter he was full of information. So different from Caleb. You ask Caleb about school and he mentions one thing then has forgotten the rest. Humph! But Peter told me almost every detail, even what he played with, how the day ran, and how the other boy took his mail and then Miss Margaret made him give it back to Peter. He is such a cool kid! He came home and told Willy that "Preschool is FUN!" and then he told me "Preschool was fantastic!" What a great attitude this boy has!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Counting down the days
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Addison at 9 months
We love Addison's cute personality. Whether she's blowing raspberries, curling up her tongue, arching her eyebrows, or scratching our eyes out, we have loved every minute of having her in our home. She is a sweet and playful little thing. Here are some 9 month pictures. Addison LOVES going outside on the grass.